Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"The Sight Game"
Materials Needed:
  • Items such as a stapler, box of tissues, soda bottle, blue marker, red marker, a pencil, a textbook, etc.

1) Place several items in front of the teacher so that the whole class can see the items. Some examples of things to use can be stapler, box of tissues, soda bottle, blue marker, red marker, a pencil, a specific book, etc.
2) Have the students close their eyes and the teacher will remove one object.
3) The students will uncover their eyes and decide as a group which item is missing.
4) Keep removing items a few rounds and explain without the sense of sight, the students would not have been able to determine which items were missing.
*Scented Flowers*
Materials Needed:
  • Flower Printout 
  • Cupcake liner                  
  • Large pompom or cotton ball                                
  • Perfume   
  • Crayons, markers                       
  • Scissors
  • Glue

1) Pass out flower printouts for the students to cut out and color.
2) The students will take the cupcake liner and glue it on the paper flower.
3) Then glue the pompom or cotton ball in the center of the cupcake liner.
4) The teacher will come around and drop 1 or 2 drops of perfume on the pompom.

Tasting Table

Materials Needed:
  • paper plates
  • sliced apples
  • sliced lemons
  • baby carrots
  • sliced orange
  • strawberries 
  • various food items

1) Set up a table of various foods for the children to taste
2) The table will consist of cut up apples, lemons, carrots, strawberries, oranges, etc.

3) They will take turns sampling the food and discussing which part of the taste bud is being used. For example, a lemon would trigger the "sour" part of the taste bud.

What's in the Egg?

Materials Needed: 
  • observation sheets
  • pennies
  • marbles
  • rice
  • paper clips
  • plastic eggs 

1) Students will get in groups and each group will be given 4 eggs with a lid. Each egg will contain an object and will be labeled "1", "2", "3", and "4".
2) The students are to make a prediction on what kind of object they think is in each egg. Egg #1 will be filled with pennies, Egg #2 will be filled with paper clips, Egg #3 will be filled with rice, and Egg #4 will be filled with marbles (the students will not know this).
3) The students will examine each egg, without looking inside, and record what their predictions are. They will also explain why they think that object is in that specific egg. For example the student may write, "I predict that marbles are in egg #3 because it is very loud when I shake the egg."
4) After each group has recorded their predictions, the teacher will reveal what objects were in each eggs.
5) The students will then write whether or not their predictions were correct.

Monday, March 28, 2011

"Touchy Feely"
Jigsaw puzzles are fun, but did you ever try to put one together without looking at it? 
The students will be given a simple jigsaw puzzle with only 4 to 6 pieces. 
They will empty the puzzle and try to put it together using only their sense of touch.
The students may be blindfolded to make sure that they cannot see the puzzle.